It's no surprise that I felt betrayed by what happened. I keep remembering that day over and over again thinking if I should have done something different. I keep looking back to analyze the signs and I keep getting the same results. That I was played, manipulated but most importantly that there was nothing that I could do. They made their decision already about how will and who won't pass.
For a while I thought that I was just being bitter about the whole thing. It's funny when I tell myself I'm wrong GOD steps in by sending someone to make sure that I keep believing in myself and to let me know that I wasn't wrong or bitter. GOD acted through one of my friends when she called to tell me what she had over heard while she was handing a project in. She over heard the people in charge saying that they had picked the people they wanted before hand. That there were people that were left out that were more talented. That the ones they let in weren't "improving" like they thought they would ,that they gave these people the place of the more talented students that they left out.
Knowing this I feel angry and relieved at the same time. Anger because they deliberately hung me out to dry but relieved to know that I do have talent and that they dug themselves a deep hole and that there prejudices got the best of them. I hope that when the term ends the school will take the right action with these people cause they lied, broke so many school laws and regulations that it's isn't in the school's or the students' best interest to let them get away with what they did.
Sucks, don''t it?